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Donate to the Revolutionary Love Movement

Help make the love ethic the foundation of who we are and what we do.


Your generosity will sustain our vision far into the future.

We envision a world where love is the foundation of who we are – and what we do. We are building a movement to reclaim love as a force for justice, healing and transformation.

The Revolutionary Love Project, founded by civil rights leader and prophetic voice Valarie Kaur, inspires and equips people to build healthy, caring, and resilient communities. We teach the ten core practices of Revolutionary Love, backed by research and infused with ancestral wisdom. We produce educational tools, training courses, artwork, films, music, and mass mobilizations to empower people from all walks of life to harness love as a force for justice. Together, we teach how to lead with wonder, be brave with grief, harness rage, listen across differences, reimagine our institutions, fight for shared humanity, and anchor in joy.

We are living in an unprecedented moment in history. So much grief. So much joy. Our choices will shape the future of our country and world.

What role do you want to play in this moment in history?
How do you want to be brave with your life?
What do you need to labor with love?

We believe Revolutionary Love is the call of our times. Revolutionary Love is the choice to leave no one outside our circle of care. It is how we birth a multiracial democracy and sustainable future. It takes courage to practice Revolutionary Love when the world is on fire. We can’t do it alone…Across time and culture, our wisest ancestors gathered in community to find the wisdom they need to lead with love and courage instead of fear.

This work is not a four-year campaign. It is a forty-year vision to create change for our children and their children. This year, we have inspired thousands of communities across the country to adapt the practices of Revolutionary Love in schools, homes, institutions and more.

Your gratitude pours in every day for the movement we are building.

Here’s a sample of what we are hearing:

“This project is what we need at this moment in time. The dedication and courage they have shared is inspiring. We need more voices like this, more hearts open like this more empathy and tolerance and this project provides it in a safe and rich way.”

"In my home we’ve been much more intentional about how we treat one another, how we process rage, and much more.”

“Attending the Revolutionary Love Bus Tour in Detroit introduced the Revolutionary Love Compass and showed me a tool to stay in connection while working towards love in family and community. I am integrating the educators’ tools with my children in a home-school setting, with the college students I mentor, with my healing circle members.

As a woman who supports women, a mother of adult and teenage children, a grandmother of biracial children, an aunt who is resourceful, and a cousin in a large interracial family, this work is a labor of love for me."

We dare to dream of a world where love is the foundation of who we are and what we do. Thank you for rising with us.

Our mission only moves forward with your support. Can you help us sustain the work of Revolutionary Love — to create spaces of connection, courage, and care across the country?

Donations by check: Please make your check payable to “Community Partners for the Revolutionary Love Project” and include “Project #1031” in the check memo, in addition to a note with your name and contact info so we know who to thank!

Mail your donation to: Community Partners, P.O. Box 741265, Los Angeles, CA 90074.

Or, for UPS and FedEX, mail your donation here: Bank of America Lockbox Services, Lockbox #741265, 2706 Media Center Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90065.

**All donations are tax deductible.**